Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Time Has Come Today

I've done six posts this year and its already October.  Quite a feat.

I've been involved in work-related things, none of which panned out.  So I'm passing on from one employer to another, once again hoping that meaningful work is just around the corner.  I'm still just intellectual migrant labor, but this new gig will hopefully require less handholding and soft cooing and babysitting, and more actual intellectual work.  And as a result, more posts.

Update: My editor informs me the actual count is nine (9) posts this year, counting this one.  Somewhat less of a feat, roughly 50% less, but still almost one a month.

Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Part II

Consider, if you will, the implications of the following two stories:

Why India's Mars mission is so cheap - and thrilling

First U.S. Stealth Jet Attack on Syria Cost More Than Indian Mission to Mars


I'm a big fan of Obama's "Don't do stupid stuff" foreign policy.  Its the same principle you find in medicine - "First, do no harm" - and it applies to pretty much any attempt to develop solutions to problems.  When it comes to relationships with other countries and regions, you really ought to avoid doing something stupid.