Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Above Average

Its been more than two years since I've done any writing, except for a couple of minor pieces that probably should have had more thought put into them.  My skills are rusty.  If I'd taken two years off running and come back to it, there's an entire shelf of books I could use for advice on appropriate workouts and pacing to get me back to where I was.  This being writing, though, something I've been doing for longer than running (sadly enough) I'll just jump right back in, do back-to-backs, and hopefully not sprain myself.

Its all just journal entries anyway.  No one reads this, despite it being public, and that's one of the benefits of being incommunicado for two years.  You may as well be dead.  At least the old skin is gone, and a few parts that, like a lizard under attack drops its tail, really weren't necessary to begin with.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Edge of Chaos

I stopped writing.  It seemed after Trump was elected for a little while there that writing would be essential.  A wave of protest and fear swept the country; women marched in unprecedented numbers all over the US, outraged that a man who admitted to a habit of sexual assault on national television could be elected President.  The outrage was sharpened no less by the fact that ~60% of white women would vote for the man.  How could such a morally odious, socially- and intellectually-disgusting man get into such a position, and why would women with so much to lose at best blindly follow partisan branding and fall in line behind someone who was at best incompetent in his malignancy, and more likely determined to end all the institutions and conventions they depended on?